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💾 Database

The importance of learning SQL

With the fashion (or the buzzword?) of NoSQL databases as well as increasingly frequent abstractions using GraphQL (hasura for example) it is not uncommon to meet developers who have never written SQL queries.

Nevertheless SQL is and will always remain a great classic that is very important to learn. It is not uncommon for SQL, like RegEx, to be used well beyond the realm of programming (they are literally everywhere).

Very often, even IT technicians have notions of SQL.

Personally, I started writing SQL queries around the age of 13 and have continued to do so actively over the years. Most of the time it is not necessary to become a living god on the subject, but simply to know how to do the basics (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and to know at least a few notions such as the different possibilities of joining.

I recommend the site to learn the various notions related to SQL (Experience the different functionalities directly with a database). You will definitely be able to learn the rest on the job during your project/assignment :)

Also take the time to see if the database you are using does not offer guides on the specifics and possible optimizations.

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