🐢 Node.js
📰 Conférences and Articles
There are many conferences on Node.js, but we will mainly focus on the talks from the Node.js + Interactive, dotJS, and JSConf conferences (or other conferences with quality speakers).
Most of these talks are available on the following YouTube channels:
- [Beginner] “A Tale of Two Asyncs: Open Source Language Design in Rust and Node.js” by Ashley Williams
- [Beginner] The Module Ecosystem - The Stress of Success
- [Beginner] Modern JavaScript Infrastructures - Maël Nison
- [Beginner] Aligning Node.js with the Web Platform - James M Snell, NearForm
- [To know] Broken Promises by James Snell
- [To know] Broken Promises, The Workshop Edition - Matteo Collina and James Snell
- [To know] Lightning Talk: Everything you Didn’t Want to Know about Source Maps
- [To know] Behind the Scenes of Node.js Distributions
- [To know] Node.js startup performance - Joyee Cheung
- [To know] The Life and Times of a Node.js Release - Danielle Adams
[To know] [Yagiz Nizipli & Daniel Lemire Ada: Parsing Millions of URLs per Second](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ-6OWRDsZg&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=10) -
[To know][Rafael Gonzaga The Journey of the Node.js Permission Model](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ntgUiQocTU&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=8) -
[Intermediate] [Stephen Belanger Node.js observability with diagnostics_channel and AsyncLocalStorage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqGlbxIHAwI&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=4) - [Intermediate] The Secrets Behind High Performance With Node.js
- [Intermediate] Managing load in Node.js with under-pressure
- [Intermediate] How Node.js bootstraps itself by Joyee Cheung
- [Intermediate] The Unsung Hero Story of Events, Streams and Promises
- [Intermediate] Async Iterators: A New Future for Streams by Stephen Belanger
- [Intermediate] Stream into the Future - Matteo Collina, NearForm
- [Intermediate] llhttp - new HTTP 1.1 parser for Node.js by Fedor Indutny
- [Intermediate] Experimenting with remote debugging: Node.js runtime code injection
- [Intermediate] Node.js Multithreading, Part 1
- [Intermediate] Using AbortSignal in Node.js
- [Advanced] Multithreaded Logging with Pino - Matteo Collina
[Advanced] [Matteo Collina Networkless HTTP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65WoHVTwbtI&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=13) -
[Advanced] [Paolo Insogna Milo, a new HTTP parser for Node.js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcHbAeO_ccY&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=11) -
[Advanced] [Igor Savin Advanced caching in Node.js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Nk3XhxxYg&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=14) -
[Advanced] [Michael Dawson Building native addons for Node.js (and more JavaScript engines) like it’s 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEPTMiCNxlY&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=18) -
[Advanced] [Joyee Cheung JavaScript and C++ in Node.js core: how do they talk to each other?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrgMT5zMgF4&list=PL0CdgOSSGlBYI7_e6Zs4kFSXL9LvOn8gM&index=20)
Various articles on fundamental notions in Node.js and on different core modules.
- [To know] Callbacks, synchronous and asynchronous
- [To know] One-line node modules
- [To know] Asynchronous stack traces: why await beats Promise#then()
- [To know] Uncaught exceptions in Node.js
- [To know] Memory Leaks Demystified
- [To know] Making Promises safer in Node.js
- [To know] Adding a permission system to Node.js
- [To know] Node.js sends warnings when you add too many listeners to an event emitter
- [To know] Node.js Memory Limits - What You Should Know
- [Intermediate] A Visual Guide to Node.js Streams
- [Intermediate] Learning to Swim with Piscina, the node.js worker pool
- [Intermediate] Understanding Streams in Node.js
- [Intermediate] Understanding Worker Threads in Node.js
- [Intermediate] How to improve JWT performance in Node.js
- [Advanced] Our Journey to a High-Performance Node.js Library
I highly recommend checking out the blogs of some members of the TSC (Technical Steering Committee). It is not uncommon to find very interesting, albeit sometimes very technical, articles there.
Since the end of 2023, Matteo Collina has also been making many videos on the YouTube channel Plaformatic:
- Node.js Configurations
- Unlocking Node.js’ Power: A Journey into Fastify and Beyond
- Tackling the Hidden Time Cost in HTTP Clients
- A Deep Dive into Node.js Streams
⬅️ 🐢 Node.js: 🌐 Discovery of the HTTP Node.js ecosystem | ➡️ 🐢 Node.js: 🎡 Event-loop