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🐢 Node.js

📰 Conférences and Articles

There are many conferences on Node.js, but we will mainly focus on the talks from the Node.js + Interactive, dotJS, and JSConf conferences (or other conferences with quality speakers).

Most of these talks are available on the following YouTube channels:


Various articles on fundamental notions in Node.js and on different core modules.


I highly recommend checking out the blogs of some members of the TSC (Technical Steering Committee). It is not uncommon to find very interesting, albeit sometimes very technical, articles there.


Since the end of 2023, Matteo Collina has also been making many videos on the YouTube channel Plaformatic:

⬅️ 🐢 Node.js: 🌐 Discovery of the HTTP Node.js ecosystem | ➡️ 🐢 Node.js: 🎡 Event-loop