🐢 Node.js
🐥 Resources for beginners
Since a couple of years there has been the official Node.js learn course which offers an excellent way to start the adventure.
Among the other resources I recommend :
- [Beginner] Liz Parody’s article: ABC’s of JavaScript and Node.js to learn and understand the different keywords used in the Node ecosystem.
- [Beginner] Art of Node by Maxogden (not bad for those with programming experience).
- [Intermediate] If you are looking for a more advanced reading I recommend: Node.js design patterns.
- [To know] Best practices for Node.js projects.
- [Beginner] Free Introduction to Node.js (OpenJS)
- [Beginner] Learn Node.js with Microsoft
We had discussed about NodeSchool in the JavaScript section (it’s a great way in addition to other links to start and train on Node.js).
⬅️ 🐢 Node.js: 🌝 Introduction | ➡️ 🐢 Node.js: 🌐 Discovery of the HTTP Node.js ecosystem