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🌌 Online courses, talks and articles


Udemy vs Frontend Masters

Many developers make the mistake of choosing Udemy as their learning platform for JavaScript and Node.js. The platform has a very unreliable business model and already several scandals have broken out through time 😔.

It’s important to understand, that when your goal is to succeed in finding a job in the next few months, it’s rather problematic to rely on content with highly variable quality, little or not updated for years and sometimes even unethical 😮 (which doesn’t mean there isn’t good content either).

A rather blatant example of bad training is very often beliefs like “An async function/promise generates a thread in the background 💩 “ (a sentence I myself heard in a course from a reputedly “experienced” trainer). Many are used to diminish the impact of these false beliefs.. Yet they have real impacts in production.

Instead, I recommend investing in a Frontend Masters account that will give you access to a set of up-to-date courses with experts who are recognized and qualified in their respective fields (this is all the more necessary if you are aiming for both front and backend).

Some of their courses on Javascript (I invite you to look for yourself at the catalog of the many other courses available) :


📄 Articles


Axel Rauschmayer

When it comes to quality articles on JavaScript, I highly recommend the Axel Rauschmayer Blog.

⚠️ Be careful though, it is often necessary to have established a foundation before being able to appreciate these items. ⚠️

Here is a list of articles from his blog that I recommend you read:

Many other articles are available (this is only a small sample of his blog).


Jake Archibald

I just recently re-explored Jake’s blog and frankly I didn’t remember him writing so many gems about JavaScript 😲.

👀 I recommend you to read these more front-end oriented articles if you are also interested in the subject.



Also an excellent developer and popularizer of concepts and features around the Web (JavaScript and more). I therefore strongly recommend that you read his blog!


Lydia Hallie


👀 If you are looking for beginner articles on JavaScript, I recommend you to take a look at the articles of Samantha Ming.


📺 Talks

The episodes of the EN OpenHive.js podcast are also quite interesting to follow (with interlocutors of great expertise each time).

⬅️ 💪 Challenge yourself regularly | ➡️ 🔧 Engine & VM JavaScript (V8 etc)