📕 Dedicate a daily time to reading
As a developer, it’s important to take the time to read online ebooks & courses about JavaScript. Even after many years of practice, I still very actively read a whole bunch of books, studies and articles 😇.
This will allow you to improve and acquire a whole lot of understanding (like for example the difference between Primitives and Objects, coercion etc…). But also to work on your technical vocabulary (even unconsciously 💤).
Among the references I recommend you to read 👇:
- [Beginner] JavaScript for impatient programmers by Axel Rauschmayer
- [Beginner] You Don’t Know JS by Kyle Simpson
- [Beginner] Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke
- [Beginner] JavaScript de ES1 à ES5 by Axel Rauschmayer
- [Intermediate] Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide by Axel Rauschmayer
- [Intermediate] Functional-Light JavaScript by Kyle Simpson
- [Advanced] Deep JavaScript: Theory and techniques by Axel Rauschmayer
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has a style that differs from Kyle Simpson. I invite you to choose the writing style that suits you best. Beware of Kyle who often has ideas and a code style that is considered quite “extreme”.
📖📐 Practice with a book
It is also possible to train effectively with the help of a book 😉. Just get into the habit of experimenting with features as you discover them. Axel Rauschmayer’s writing style is pretty conducive to this (the online version of these books and articles is really cool).
⬅️ JavaScript: 🌞 Introduction | ➡️ 💪 Challenge yourself regularly