💻 System
Shell, Bash & Powershell
As far as I’m concerned, I already have a lot of experience with various notions of system scripting with languages like Powershell. In the world of monitoring, this is a fairly important skill because we are frequently faced with situations where it is important to know how to tweak scripts to collect metrics, automate tasks or simply modify/configure an X or Y product.
The deeper I go into the Software world, the more I realize that it is really important to master this (often to write and maintain installation or deployment scripts for example).
This allows me as a developer to bridge the gap with my team members who will manage DevOps etc…; while maintaining my passion and my interest because we remain in the field of development.
function probeList {
OUTPUT="$($PU_PATH -u $LOGIN -p $PASSWORD controller probe_list '' '')"
case "$OUTPUT" in
*"$FAILED_PATTERN"* ) rc='0';;
* ) rc='1';;
if [ "${rc}" -eq "1" ]; then
local _t=( $(echo "$OUTPUT" | grep -Eo "[a-zA-Z_]+[[:spave:]]+PDS_PDS") )
for str in "${_t[@]}"; do
if [ "$str" != "PDS_PDS" ] && [ "$str" != "hub" ] && [ "$str" != "controller" ] && [ "$str" != "hdb" ] && [ "$str" != "spooler" ]; then
⬅️ 💻 System: Introduction | ➡️ 💖 Thanks